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Here are some check points in case things don't seem to work. Any mention of RS232 serial probelms assume either the Standard or Slave version is being used.

Make sure you have the correct Com Port selected on the host computer.

Make sure the baud rate in the SteppIR-VCP matches the baud rate in the SteppIR controller. A maximum rate of 19,200 is supported on the Data Out connection. If your rig is set faster than this it's OK, but set the rate in the VCP at 19,200.

Make sure your serial cable is a null modem (or crossover) cable (pin 2 at one end to pin 3 at the other and vice versa). Any combination of cable, null modem adapter and gender changer should work as long as it remains crossed over.

For SteppIR related problems, verify that the green "SteppIR" LED is lit under connections.

For TRX related problems, first verify that the green "TRX" LED is lit under connections.

You can check TRX operation by watching the "Command" windows for the proper strings being sent and received. The data follows this format...

Example: 14200M0D1

The first five digits is the frequency

The next two indicate whether the stepper motors are running...
M0 = stopped
M1 = running

The last two digits indicate Direction

D0 = Normal
D1 = 180
D2 = Bi-Dir
D3 = 3/4 wave vertical

You can also watch the commands and responses in the TRX terminal.

Remember, occasionally a command will not be responded to because of the error trapping I'm using to overcome the SteppIR data error problem. This should be fixed in the future by FM, at which time I will remove error trapping. If you send a command and don't get the required response... you can just send it again. You may have to send a different command first to clear the buffer in TRX since it only sends commands that are different than the last one. The only bug I've noticed is when switching to Auto Tuning, the red "Tuning" indicator will not light even though the beam is probably tuning. If the correct frequency displays after a short period, then the controller got the message.

If you have any questions, or need help, contact me at, or 734-455-3716.


Larry, N8LP