Material on this web site copyright © 1995-2013, TelePost, Inc. All rights reserved.

Files as of: 1/1/2013


The initial beta version of LP-100-VCP

Changes --
Increased bargraph resolution to be essentially analog.
Added Peak Hold option for bargraph as well as numerical readout

Note: This version of LP-100 VCP requires LP-100 firmware ver. 1.0.7 or older

Download file into temp directory, unzip and run the Setup.exe program. LP-100-VCP will be installed into the Program Files\LP-100-VCP directory and added to the Start menu if you use the defaults. You should uninstall any older version you have before installing this version.

Changes --
Minor fixes to background colors in XP.
Added Help file.

Note: This version of LP-100 VCP requires LP-100 firmware ver. 1.0.7 or newer

Download file into temp directory, unzip and run the Setup.exe program. LP-100-VCP will be installed into the Program Files\LP-100-VCP directory and added to the Start menu if you use the defaults. You should uninstall any older version you have before installing this version.

Changes --
Added a config.ini file to save preferences instead of using Windows registry
Fixed Range bug which was causing Runtime error 380 under certain conditions

Note: This version of LP-100 VCP requires LP-100 firmware ver. 1.0.7 or newer

Download file into temp directory, unzip and run the Setup.exe program. LP-100-VCP will be installed into the Program Files\LP-100-VCP directory and added to the Start menu if you use the defaults. You should uninstall any older version you have before installing this version.

Changes --
Added support for G4HFQ's PolarPlot antenna plotting freeware to make antenna plots in conjunction with the Field Strength mode of the LP-100. See below for download instructions for PolarPlot. More info on using PolarPlot with the LP-100 can be found in the
latest LP-100 manual. If you do not plan to use PolarPlot, then there is no need to update to ver. 1.0.7 if you are currently running ver. 1.0.5.

Note: This version of LP-100 VCP requires LP-100 firmware ver. 1.0.7 or newer

Download file into temp directory, unzip and run the Setup.exe program. LP-100-VCP will be installed into the Program Files\LP-100-VCP directory and added to the Start menu if you use the defaults. You should uninstall any older version you have before installing this version.

Changes from v1.0.7
Minor GUI change in Setup Mode

Note: This version of LP-100 VCP requires LP-100 firmware ver. 1.0.7 or newer

Download file into temp directory, unzip and run the Setup.exe program. LP-100-VCP will be installed into the Program Files\LP-100-VCP directory and added to the Start menu if you use the defaults. You should uninstall any older version you have before installing this version.

Changes from v1.0.8

Added fix to prevent window from coming up off-screen in some installations.

Note: This version of LP-100 VCP requires LP-100 firmware ver. 1.0.7 or newer

Download file into temp directory, unzip and run the Setup.exe program. LP-100-VCP will be installed into the Program Files\LP-100-VCP directory and added to the Start menu if you use the defaults. You should uninstall any older version you have before installing this version.

Changes from v1.0.81

* Adds support for LP-100A, which uses a diferent protocol than the LP-100. Version 1.09 allows selection of either version of the hardware.

Note: This version of LP-100 VCP requires LP-100 firmware ver. 1.0.7 or newer

Download file into temp directory, unzip and run the Setup.exe program. LP-100-VCP will be installed into the Program Files\LP-100-VCP directory and added to the Start menu if you use the defaults. You should uninstall any older version you have before installing this version.

Changes from v1.0.81

* Adds support for LP-100A, which uses a diferent protocol than the LP-100. Version 1.09 allows selection of either version of the hardware.


LP-100_Plot Help

This beta version of the Plot program includes the following features from beta 0.97...

* Adjustable sample rate from 1 to 5 seconds. This shouldn't be too short for any rig, and yet is long enough to allow a SteppIR to retune.
* 1kHz added to start frequency and subtracted from end frequency to avoid rig lockouts at band edges.
* Current frequency display updating, changes between green and red for Rcv / Xmt to indicate progress.
* Beginning and end frequencies are marked on Smith Chart curve for clarity.
* Reset button added to clear curves.
* Stop button added to cancel sweep.
* "Best Fit" mode option for curves... this is good for narrow ranges like SWR of between 1.00 and 1.05 for instance. I need to play with the order of the polynomials for this, but it's a start.

Plus these additions from beta 0.98...

*Support for DXLabs Commander
*Best Fit changed to 4th order polynomials
*Frequency update box changes to red to indicate when a transmit command is sent to the rig
*Sign detection algorithm improved

Plus these additions...

*Support for HRD (Ham Radio Deluxe)
*Direct control of Kenwood
*Direct control of Elecraft K2 (Tune mode... no keying circuit required)


LP-100_Plot Help

Changes since v0.99...

* Power plot for transmission tests. Email for information on connections for transmission measurements
* 1 kHz band edge correction is a user choice now, to allow transmission measurements without the corrections
* Background colors fixed for XP style windows


LP-100_Plot Help

Changes since v1.00...

* Adds support for LP-100A, which uses a diferent protocol than the LP-100. Version 1.01 allows selection of either version of the hardware.


Release Date: 6/6/2006
Original release of LP-100 firmware.

Note: This version of LP-100 firmware requires LP-100-VCP ver 1.0.1

Release Date: 6/13/2006
Added  Phase Zero CAL screen
Changed the names of a couple of the other CAL screens to be more consistent.
Changed the behavior of the serial port during screen saver

Note: This version of LP-100 firmware requires LP-100-VCP ver 1.0.1

Release Date: 6/21/2006
Changed serial port protocol to add more data
Changed baud rate to 38,400
Added a "squelch" threshold to the Vector display so that it reads "0.0" below 50 mW for all four params.
Changed behavior of screen-saver so that it is instantly cancelled when you transmit or hit the Fast/Slow button
Increased the "on" time for the callsign in the screen saver
Slowed the button response a tad to make it easier to get into and out of CAL mode

Release Date: 6/25/2006
Same as version 1.0.3 except that it fixes a bug with the bargraph autoranging.
This version is required in order to use the LP-100-VCP!

Note: This version of LP-100 firmware requires LP-100-VCP ver 1.0.1

Release Date: 7/5/2006
Changed the power display in Fine power trim screen.
Changed the initial value for Phase Zero when upgrading from a version without this feature.
Made a slight change to gain/phase calculations.

You should check the Gain Zero calibration after doing this upgrade. If that's not convenient, just go to Gain Zero and move the trim value up 4 steps.... that will be very close to correct.

Note: This version of LP-100 firmware requires LP-100-VCP ver 1.0.1

Release Date: 7/11/2006
Changed the internal correction table slightly.

This is not a mandatory update. In fact, there will be another update in very short order to improve the resolution of the bar graphs in the VCP. It will coincide with a release version of the VCP as well.

Note: This version of LP-100 firmware requires LP-100-VCP ver 1.0.1    DO NOT USE

Release Date: 7/16/2006
Increased resolution of the reported dBm value on the serial port to 0.1 dBm
Added Calibration Title Page to prevent accidental bumping of the Offset Trim value when entering Calibration Mode
Added "sticky" bar to the Pwr bargraph that shows the highest peak value of the bargraph, even while the graph continues to follow power variations

Note: Starting with this version of firmware... requires LP-100 VCP ver. 1.0.1 for computer control.

Release Date: 7/22/2006
Fixes bug with CAL Mstr and Fine power readings... adds averaging to smooth out jitter during calibration

Note: This version of LP-100 firmware requires LP-100-VCP ver 1.0.1

Release Date: 9/06/2006
Last release for the original PIC microcontroller

Adds screen for SWR alarm power threshold and NET vs. F+R power display
Fixes minor bugs

Note: This version of firmware requires LP-100 VCP ver. 1.0.2 for computer control.

Release Date: 10/28/2006
Major release. Only works with new PIC microcontroller (serial #101+). Email factory for free PIC upgrade. The new upgrade requires recalibration for best performance. This can be done by the user or returned to the factory for free recalibration.

This release adds....

Band-by-band vector cal points
Direct input / Field Strength
Cable selection setup screen
Dummy load Z setup screen
Serial comm improvements

Note: This version of firmware requires LP-100 VCP ver. 1.0.2 or newer for computer control.

Release Date: 12/15/2006
Only works with new PIC microcontroller (serial #101+). Email factory for free PIC upgrade. The PIC upgrade requires recalibration for best performance. This can be done by the user or returned to the factory for free recalibration. If you have the new PIC (firmware version 1.1.0b or newer), then this upgrade requires no recalibration.

This release adds....

Edit screen for Gain/Phase Zero trims
Adjustable bargraph maximum settings for all three power ranges (numerical readouts have no limits). This allows optimizing bargraph resolution.
Fast Bargraph tuning ranges, adjustable from 3 to 12 dB referenced to maximum.
Adjustable Peak Hold times, from 0.25 to 3 seconds
Adjustable averaging for Fast mode
Entry/Exit from Setup/CAL mode is now a single long Mode button press.
Major speed up in all screen refresh timing. Bargraphs will now display a single dit at 60 wpm

This is similar to the 1.1.44b beta release, except for a small improvement in button response time for the Mode button.

Note: This version of firmware requires LP-100 VCP ver. 1.0.2 or newer for computer control.

Release Date: 01/10/2007
Only works with new PIC microcontroller (serial #101+). Email factory for free PIC upgrade. The PIC upgrade requires recalibration for best performance. This can be done by the user or returned to the factory for free recalibration. If you have the new PIC (firmware version 1.1.0b or newer), then this upgrade requires no recalibration.

This release adds....

Faster SWR bargraph
Peak SWR reset changed so it doesn't reset to 1.00 until peak timer times out.
Exit from Screen Saver changed to require only a tap of the Mode button in any mode (including Setup/CAL).  Tapping button while in Screen Saver does not advance mode.
For more info, see the LP-100 Users Group site or the latest manual.

Note: This version of firmware requires LP-100 VCP ver. 1.0.5 or newer for computer control.

Release Date: 02/26/2007  -  Replaces v1148d, which had a couple bugs.
Only works with new PIC microcontroller (serial #101+). Email factory for free PIC upgrade. The PIC upgrade requires recalibration for best performance. This can be done by the user or returned to the factory for free recalibration. If you have the new PIC (firmware version 1.1.0b or newer), then this upgrade requires no recalibration.

This release adds....

Software PIC reset for easier flash programming
New tuning screen for amplifier tuning with pulser
Improved peak hold behavior

For more info, see the
LP-100 Users Group site or the latest manual.

Note: This version of firmware requires LP-100 VCP ver. 1.0.5 or newer for computer control.

Release Date: 04/08/2007
Only works with new PIC microcontroller (serial #101+). Email factory for free PIC upgrade. The PIC upgrade requires recalibration for best performance. This can be done by the user or returned to the factory for free recalibration. If you have the new PIC (firmware version 1.1.0b or newer), then this upgrade requires no recalibration.

Changes in this release....

Setup screen to select serial number range. This automatically compensates for slight hardware changes in production runs.
SWR Alarm "snooze button" to temporarily disable alarm while tuning and antenna tuner.
USER SWR Alarm set point option added to Setup, settable between 1.0 and 5.0.
SWR in "T" power display mode is now average instead of peak.
Improved button response for the Fast/Slow button (power display modes).
Bug fix to clean up display during initialize.

For more info, see the
LP-100 Users Group site or the latest manual.

Note: This version of firmware requires LP-100 VCP ver. 1.0.5 or newer for computer control.

Release Date: 05/31/2007
Only works with new PIC microcontroller (serial #101+). Email factory for free PIC upgrade. The PIC upgrade requires recalibration for best performance. This can be done by the user or returned to the factory for free recalibration. If you have the new PIC (firmware version 1.1.0b or newer), then this upgrade requires no recalibration.

Changes in this release....

User Alarm setting now shows the setup value after the word "User".
Several bug fixes to fix number resets and net power correction  fix in peak mode

For more info, see the LP-100 Users Group site or the latest manual.

Note: This version of firmware requires LP-100 VCP ver. 1.0.5 or newer for computer control.


Release Date: 06/16/2007 (Replaces v1161 from 6-11-07, which displayed incorrect SWR mode in Tune).

Only works with new PIC microcontroller (serial #101+). Email factory for free PIC upgrade. The PIC upgrade requires recalibration for best performance. This can be done by the user or returned to the factory for free recalibration. If you have the new PIC (firmware version 1.1.0b or newer), then this upgrade requires no recalibration.

Changes in this release....

Addition of Bargraph Decay menu. Choices are "Off", "Fast", "Med", "Slow". The default is "Off", which behaves like previous versions.
Slight change in SWR Bargraph
Peak-to-Average Display. See the latest manual for usage. Requires these test files...


For more info, see the LP-100 Users Group site or the latest manual.

Note: This version of firmware requires LP-100 VCP ver. 1.0.5 or newer for computer control.


Release Date: 07/22/2007

Only works with new PIC microcontroller (serial #101+). Email factory for free PIC upgrade. The PIC upgrade requires recalibration for best performance. This can be done by the user or returned to the factory for free recalibration. If you have the new PIC (firmware version 1.1.0b or newer), then this upgrade requires no recalibration.

Changes in this release....

Addition of alternate bargraph style and setup screen
Addition of 5KW maximum power display option to allow use of optional 5KW coupler
Addition of style options for resting SWR (no power applied)

For more info, see the LP-100 Users Group site or the latest manual.

Note: This version of firmware requires LP-100 VCP ver. 1.0.5 or newer for computer control.

- Use only with LP-100A with standard GVFD display, or LP-100 with GVFD retrofit kit (not available yet).

Release Date: 01/08/2008

Requires LP-100A hardware.

Changes in this release....

Support for LP-100A hardware
Addition of frequency counter calibration
Addition of graphic display related changes such as solid bargraph, higher bargraph resolution, full screen scrolling callsign.
New steup screen for entering callsign.

For more info, see the LP-100 Users Group site or the latest manual.

- Use only with LP-100A with standard GVFD display, or LP-100 with GVFD retrofit kit (not available yet).

Release Date: 04/19/2008

Requires LP-100A hardware.

Changes in this release....

Fix for bargraph autoranging not resetting properly in "w" (average) mode

For more info, see the LP-100 Users Group site or the latest manual.

- Use only with LP-100A with standard GVFD display, or LP-100 with GVFD retrofit kit (not available yet).

Release Date: 04/27/09

Requires LP-100A hardware.

Changes in this release....

1) Fixed
serial comms so that turning off the LP-100A while VCP or Plot is running will not cause loss of comms when LP-100A is turned back on.
In fact, comms are automatically restored after a loss for any reason (power outage, internet outage, etc.). This should be especially welcome news for remote stations.

2) Added a Setup Screen to allow the user to choose which modes are active when stepping through the Mode button. dBm/RL, Field Strength and Compression (Peak to Average) screens can be selectively enabled or disabled. This gets rid of some clutter if you don't use these modes. For instance, if you choose to disable all three, the Mode will toggle between Normal (Power/SWR) and Impedance. The default is all modes enabled.

3) Added a Setup screen to select how the screen saver is reset. The current method is to either tap the Mode button, or transmit. Some commercial users requested that I provide an option that only allows a tap of the Mode button to reset the screen saver. The reason for this is that some commercial installations "transmit" 24/7, or many hours at least, and were concerned about the life of the display. When "Mode Button Only" is selected, the display will be dark most of the time (screen saver on), and will light for the period of the timers when Mode is pressed, after which the screen saver will activate again. The default is "Mode Button or RF Sense".

For more info, see the LP-100 Users Group site or the latest manual. See LP-100 Legacy software page for revision history and older releases.

- Use only with LP-100A with standard GVFD display, or LP-100 with GVFD retrofit kit.

Posting Date: 06/16/09

Requires LP-100A hardware.

Changes in this release....

1) The major addition to this beta release is support for the dual coupler option. The firmware will work with or without the dual coupler option. When the option is not installed, operation will be as normal except for a small downward pointing arrow after the letters "SWR", which indicate which coupler is active (CH1 coupler is the lower pair on the rear panel, CH2 coupler if installed is the upper pair). When the dual coupler option is installed, the arrow will point up or down depending on which coupler is receiving the  most power (active).

There are three modes of operation... Coupler 1, Coupler 2 and Auto-Sense. They are activated with the Peak/Avg/Tune button. The button operates normally when you tap it, cycling through each the three power display modes for each tap. When you hold it for a half-second,  instead of cycling repeatedly through the power modes, it jumps to a new screen which displays Dual Coupler status. Each long tap will cycle to the next choice, with wraparound back to the first choice.

In addition, there are a number of setup and calibration screens which are now identified as CH1 and CH2, depending on which coupler is active. Adjusting these will only affect the settings for the selected coupler. These screens include:

Range Scale Max
Coupler model (different couplers can be used on the two ports)
Gain Zero
Phase Zero
Gain Slope
Phase Slope
Master Power Trim
Fine Power Trim

The meter saves all these settings for each coupler, and they are recalled when the coupler is active.

2) Modified Average Samples Setup screen to add separate adjustments for PWR and SWR. Increasing SWR samples smooths out the display under voice conditions. The defaults are 8 for PWR and 3 for SWR.

3) New Setup Screen for SWR Power threshold. The choices are 0.05W, 0.5W, 2.0W, 5.0W. The standard LP-100A has a minimum limit of 0.05W for power and SWR display, but I decided to add the limit selection to allow for a more stable SWR indication during voice operation. This is accomplished in part by making the meter ignore samples taken at very low power, such as during voice pauses, where the SWR reading will be a little higher due to the linearity of the gain/phase detector at the limit of its dynamic range. The default is 0.5W.

4) Timer Reset Threshold. Allows selecting what power level, as a percentage of the current peak, that the power must drop in order to reset the peak hold timer. Choices are 10% - 90% in steps of 10%. The default is 50% (value used in previous LP-100s).

No further documentation is available yet on these changes. Contact Larry for further details.

- Use only with LP-100A with standard GVFD display, or LP-100 with GVFD retrofit kit.

Posting Date:10/03/09

Requires LP-100A hardware.

Changes in this release....

1) Fixed bug with Hi/Lo Power Range Setup Screen

2) Added Setup Screen to enable dual coupler operation

No further documentation is available yet on these changes. Contact Larry for further details.

- Use only with LP-100A with standard GVFD display, or LP-100 with GVFD retrofit kit.

Posting Date:05/23/10

Requires LP-100A hardware.

Changes in this release....

1) Fixed peak power reset when dual coupler automatically changes inputs.

2) Fixed bug with display freezing a very low power using high power coupler.

No further documentation is available yet on these changes. Contact Larry for further details.

- Use only with LP-100A with standard GVFD display, or LP-100 with GVFD retrofit kit.

Posting Date:06/25/12

Requires LP-100A hardware.

Changes in this release....

1) Fixed problem with Peak to Average screen

2) Added screen saver timeout choice of "Never" so that call sign continues to scroll until the meter is reset with the Mode button or by transmitting.

3) Added support for more couplers.

No further documentation is available yet on these changes. Contact Larry for further details.

LP-100A - Use only with LP-100A with standard GVFD display, or LP-100 with GVFD retrofit kit.

Release Date:08/13/12

Requires LP-100A level hardware.

Changes in this release....

1) Changed Alarm Power Threshold option of 100.0W to 30.0W
2) Added serial support for dual coupler option

No further documentation is available yet on these changes. Contact Larry for further details.

- Use only with LP-100A with standard GVFD display, or LP-100 with GVFD retrofit kit.

Release Date: 01/03/13

Requires LP-100A level hardware.

Changes in this release....

1) Fixed bug with sleep mode
2) Changed LPC2 / LPC5 readout to llow displays greater than  9999W. Display is now in the format XX.X KW on the high scale.

No further documentation is available yet on these changes. Contact Larry for further details.