Span presets
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NaP3 has a powerful feature which enables the display characteristics of each mode on each band to be saved.
For example a 5kHz span set
for high FFT number PSK might be needed, then a 192kHz view in SSB with a low FFT number, then a 2kHz slice of a beacon sub-band at
maximum FFT to montior the waterfall. Each of these is almost instantly available by setting the context menu shown with a right click on the
Center button:
'Save Span Preset', will save all the current span settings for the mode, including Span width,
FFT size, wheel tune step size, and Fixed/Free
tuning. With the bandstack already saving VFO frequency, mode and filter, the combination allows a user to return to a frequency with the
same filter, mode, span width, FFT size, tuning step and tuning style that they last saved.
So, for example. a user can save a 7.01 MHz centre in CW displaying a 20kHz width with a 10Hz wheeltune step, 16384 fft resolution in Fixed
tuning. And then save a 7.16 centre in SSB, displaying a 192kHz width with a 100Hz wheeltune step, 4096 resolution in Free tuning. And so
The mode groups (e.g. LSB/USB and CWL/CWU are shared as "SSB" and "CW") varies according
to the rig, but a span preset can be saved
for each mode on each band.
With 'Restore Span Preset' it is possible to go straight to a centre of interest on any band.
If you do not like the preset it can be deleted with 'Delete Span Preset'.
And if you always want to go straight to your centre of interest in a mode on any band, 'Always Restore'
will override your rig VFO
frequency to place you right in the action.