Band, Mode, Filter Controls
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The Band, Mode and Filter buttons can appear differently according to the rig, the maximum and minimum frequency, the rig mode types and the rig filter groups. Shown in the following sections are  the K3 & KX3, K2, Yaesu, Kenwood and Orion variations. They all share the following controls.

All bands have at least a three-deep bandstack. The GEN button has a five deep bandstack allowing users to cycle through a selection of broadcast stations. The bandstack depth can be added to by editing the database; a document outlining the mthos is avialbale on the NaP3 website.
A 2 button (144MHz) can be made to appear by setting the rig Maximum frequency (see Configure: NaP3/Frequencies) to 144.000000). Similarly, if desired, a 6 button can be made to appear for rigs with a Max Frequency of 30Mhz.

A click on these will change Nap3 and the rig. Otherwise, NaP3 follows the rig, any change of filtering at the rig losing the button selection, a return to the preset values highlighting the button again. Change of mode will reveal changed filter values each of which can be easily modified, a right click on the button showing a context menu thatl offers Configure and Reset to Defaults - see the next entry in Help Contents. Whatever your rig, it is worth configuring the filters to values that you prefer. These new values will be saved in the database.

The K3 13kHz FM filter cannot be varied, and AM cannot exceed 8kHz unless  'CAT Polling/Filter Width' is unticked so that other bandwidths can be set for the NaP3 sdr.
For the K3 the  end button changes the rig filter group between I and II and for the KX3 it changes the filtering mode at the rig.
With Yaesu the end button will change between NAR on and off and the preset filter buttons will only work if values are within the ranges allowed by the Yaesu mode and the NAR button setting. NAR ssb, a NaP3 preset wider than 1.8kHz will not work.
In Kenwood the end button will be an extra VARiable filter.