SDR Controls
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The SDR controls affect only the NaP3 Main/Sub sdr receivers. Enabling them will increase the cpu load.
Some of their settings
may be tailored in the Configure: NaP3/DSP tab.
From left to right:
MUT mutes both Main and Sub sdr receivers. They are automatically muted on transmit, the MUT button retaining the rx setting.
RX EQ enables/disables Equalisation on both Main and Sub.
MAIN and SUB control the audio on each receiver (SUB needs enabling for this to work!). A right click on either will offer the option to
enable VAC, which also allows sdr audio monitoringthrough the system with ASIO drivers,
RF is a pseudo-RF gain control that sets the AGC loop gain.
SQL turns on squelch, also auto-enabled by going into FM mode, activating the Squelch slider. The SQL button shows the squelch level, saved
independently for FM.
CPU % reveals the processor load. It increases with more sdr functions selected. The figure shown is a typical average on the author's system
(2.67Ghz i7) with ASIO 'listen through'. The more cores, the better!
AGC selects the attack, decay and hang preset that suits you.
BIN is binaural output, giving a spatial impression with a signal.
NB is the noise blanker which will also reduce displayed impulse noise (takes out the electric fence to the west!).
NB2 uses another blanking algorithm to counter noises.
NR is noise reduction, which works best on a coherent signal like cw.
ANF is the automatic notch filter.
These can be set to operate before AGC action by selecting Pre-AGC in the DSP tab. Really useful!