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The Options tab contains a motley group of selections. Most have tooltips associated with them if the cursor is hovered over the selection.
Under Miscellaneous it is possible to turn off the tooltips if these become inconvenient once the user is familiar with NaP3.
The Show Collapsed group allows the Collapsed configuration to be tailored to the operator's requirements. These are arranged in rows
which can be selected to appear in Collapsed mode.
The Keyboard group has two settings; Enable Shortcuts (see the Keyboard tab to set these) and Quick QSY which enables the op to enter a
frequency whereupon NaP3 will jump that when the Enter key is pressed. These will only work if NaP3 has the focus and can be a nuisance if
an automatic focus grabber is working in the background. The author prefers to disable these because all these functions can be carried out
easily with a wheel mouse.
The group at lower right will appear as RTTY Tone Pairs and with some rigs, e.g. K3, should be set to match the rig setting. On other rigs it
will show updown boxes to select the DIGL and DIGU mode Clicktune Offsets which should coincide with the centre frequency of the
desired mode.