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LP-PAN Preamp Kit
Important note about the Preamp Kit:
This kit is is provided mainly for K3
owners who want to improve the noise flloor of the panadapter display
to allow seeing weaker signals. The addition of a low noise preamp
ahead of LP-PAN compensates for the relatively lossy IF buffer
amplifier in the K3. This problem is compounded when you add a P3
between the K3 and LP-PAN since the hybrid splitter in the P3 adds
another 3dB of loss. This is especially important when the K3 preamp is
off. No tests have been run with other brands of radio to
determine if the preamp would improve overall noise floor.
Addition of the LP-PAN preamp lowers
the displayed noise floor by about 6-8dB over a stock LP-PAN
when the K3 preamp is ON and 8-10dB when the K3 preamp is OFF. This
assumes that the stock LP-PAN has its gain pot set to maximum gain (the
factory default setting).
Lowest noise floor is achieved with
the LP-PAN preamp installed and LP-PAN gain pot at maximum, but this
will reduce dynamic range by about 10dB. Setting the LP-PAN gain pot to
minimum will add a couple dB to the noise floor, but improve dynamic
range by 10dB. This is the recommended setting to start with. A front
panel attenuator switch was added to prevent possible overload in case
the user wants to run LP-PAN at maximum gain. The kit can be installed
without drilling a hole in the front panel for the switch if desired.
In this case, simply don't install the keycap on the switch. The
switch, in the no attenuation position will still fit behind the front
panel if the keycap is not installed. Most users will probably find
that the attenuation is not needed.
Below is a picture of the assembled preamp board.
To the right is a picture
installed in LP-PAN.
Installation requires
the addition of a standoff, soldering two coax jumpers to existing pads
on the main PCB, cutting one PCB trace and addition of a lead for 12V
power. Optionally, a
hole can be drilled or punched in the front panel if the user wishes to
use the attenuator switch. If the keycap is not installed on the
switch, it will fit behind the front panel with the attenuator in the
OFF position.
The kit includes...
PCB w/pre-mounted SMT
* DPDT Switch & Keycap
* 3/8" Standoff
* Regulator chip
* (2) 0.1uF caps
* (2) 0.01uF caps
* (4) 96.2 ohm 1/8W resistors
* (2) 71.2 ohm 1/8W resistors
* (1) 56.3 ohm 1/2W resistor
* 1N4148 Diode
Not shown:
RG-316/U Teflon coax
#26 hookup wire
Attenuator label

Assembly manual...
Manual available here.
(Standalone LP-PAN gain
set to
minimum, E-MU 0202: 96kHz sampling rate, E-MU gain pot at 10 o'clock)
gain...................................................... 12-14dB
Preamp NF.............................................................
Reverse Isolation.....................................................
w/preamp.............................................. 7dB
with K3, gain set to
minimum, E-MU 0202: 96kHz sampling rate, E-MU gain pot at 10 o'clock,
preamp ON)
Noise floor
w/preamp (PowerSDR/IF)........... -143dBm
Clipping point w/preamp (PowerSDR/IF)....... -28dBm
Noise floor and clipping levels depend on sound card, K3 preamp state,
sampling rate, sound card input level setting and LP-PAN gain pot
setting. These specs apply only to
the conditions noted above.
Pricing and Ordering for US
The LP-PAN Preamp
will be
offered as a user installed kit or a factory installed option. Kit
and installation time for a typical user is about 1-2 hours, depending
on the user's skill and whether he opts to add the front panel hole and
label. The
Preamp Kit costs $25 plus shipping ($2 for 1st Class, $5 for Priority
Mail). The preamp can also be ordered installed in a new LP-PAN. See
the LP-PAN page for ordering with LP-PAN.
LP-PAN Preamp kit
with Priority Mail shipping to US...
Pricing and Ordering for overseas
NOTICE: The 1st Class Airmail and
Priority Mail shipping of these small packages is NOT insured.
LP-PAN Preamp kit
with 1st Class shipping to Canada or Mexico ($4USD).
Preamp kit ($26USD)
with Priority Mail shipping to Canada or Mexico ($8USD)...
Preamp kit ($26USD)
with 1st Class shipping outside North America ($8USD)...
us for questions.
Larry N8LP
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