Rig differences
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This software has been extensively tested with the Elecraft K3, the Yaesu FT950 and the TenTec Orion. Other rigs have not been fully tested but the FT5k and FT3k are also known to work.
The appearance of NaP3, especially the mode buttons and behaviour, will vary between rig types. Each rig's user interface behaves differently; reflecting this in the NaP3 gui can be fraught. For differences in appearance see the Console View subsection Band, Mode Filter Controls.

The Kenwood rig definitions are basic. Within the range of Kenwood rigs the CAT shift/width information needed for NaP3 to auto-set the passband display is mixed between commands, modes and models so coding for these is not straightforward. Filter centre frequencies that change with high and low cut settings, makes obtaining complete filter information difficult.

For most rigs the NaP3 built-in sdr (and thus display) passband can be set from the filter preset buttons (right click to set your preferred values). These will also set the rig if it can accommodate the values - this will not adjust Kenwood rig values.
Some rigs will need IF Offset values set in the Rig tab; other users are the most up-to-date source for these at the moment. Without a Kenwood rig avaialble, the following values were found by feeding a K3 with 'Kenwood TS-940S' selected:
The CW passband will be centred on the 'CW Pitch' setting in the Options tab if, in the 'IF Frequencies' tab, CWL is set to the CW Pitch and CWU is set to -CW Pitch (i.e. -ve).
The DIGL/U passbands will use the values from 'RTTY Tone Pairs' in the Options tab if, in the 'IF Frequencies' tab, FSKL and FSKU are set to:
  915/1085 tones         775 and 1945
1275/1445   “            1125 and 1585
1445/1615  “             1305 and 1415
2125/2295  “             1985 and 725
Crosshair tuning also works for CW and FSK set in this way.