K3 and KX3Controls
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K3, KX3 Mode Buttons:
K3 and KX3 modes other than LSB & USB can be repeatedly clicked to set sub-modes like CW-R and AM-S. A right click on the AM-S
button show a context menu that allows upper or lower sideband AM-S. The data button changes the digimode with a left click and sets data
normal or reverse with a Ctrl+click.
The FM button will follow FM- and FM+ rig states but the TX offset will not be visible - unless within the displayed span.
The filters can be configured with a right click on the Filter buttons (see Filter Configuring) and there is an extra entry to choose either the I or
II group of K3/KX3 filters.
For the KX3 there is an extra context menu on the selected Band button to choose whether this is an 8kHz offset band or not. This is saved per
band, the same as the KX3 firmware.