Other DSP Settings
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The DSP tab has some other interesting and enigmatic settings which allow a certain amount of tailoring of the Main/Sub SDR
behaviour but the two NaP3 software receivers cannot be changed independently. Playing with them is instructive even if you return
to the default settings (you did note them down, didn't you?)
The groups on the left cover QRM/QRN control.
For Noise Reduction, NR: the greater the Taps the better the noise cancellation but signal processing time, i.e. latency, will increase.
Delay is the time taken to compute the NR filter and can corrupt speech as well as adding to latency. Gain increases the NR filter
build speed but makes it less stable.
Underneath is an extremely useful NR/ANF Position option to position the Notch and NR operations before the AGC take-off.
Using this, a loud adjacent carrier which is notched out will not push down the overall RX level with AGC action.
The AM/SAM demodulation has settings for the NaP3 receiver synchronous AM mode. If your Rig Type does not have a sync AM
mode button they will not apply.
Controls in the centre tailor the Noise Blanker thresholds while those on the right adjust the AGC characteristics.
The Window dropdown selects the 'fft windowing' function and this very rarely needs changing from Blkharris (Blackman-Harris)
for good filter skirts in the NaP3 dsp receivers. Those who have the setups to gauge the statistical advantages of signalling rates
using different 'windows' will know how to use this.