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Clicking on Collapse will shrink the Expanded window below to a Collapsed window with separately saved height, width and top location -
and Controls. In conjunction with the settings in Configure NaP3/Options/Show Collapsed it will allow an operator to tailor the NaP3
Collapsed window contents to requirements. In Collapsed mode these controls can also be accessed through the extra Controls menustrip entry.
The Expanded window can be recalled with Expand, which reveals all available controls again.
NaP3 can independently resize and position the Collapsed and Expanded views, saving these views between sessions, in 96/120/144dpi.. The
minimum window height in Expanded is set to accommodate all the controls. A Collapsed view has a smaller minimum height but at low
heights increasing the number of controls visible will increase the minimum height downwards. A Collapsed display will not open overlapping
the bottom of the screen.
A Collapsed view with Band and Mode controls showing: