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Clicking on Tranverters will open the transverter configuration form.
1. It allows the enabling of a VHF Band button,
2. Assigning it to a position in the row of VHF buttons,
3. Labelling the button text,
4. Choosing the LO Offset – e.g. 116MHz for a 144 transverter with 28MHz IF,
5. Compensating for the transverter LO error,
6. Choosing the start frequency and end frequency – e.g. 28 to 30MHz,
7. Compensation for the transverter gain:

Show Buttons allows the transverter band buttons to be shown/hidden and Swap I/Q Channels compensates for high/low side transverter local oscillator injection. The automatic IQ swap for the K3 and K2 is disabled at displayed VFO frequencies  above 68MHz and 39MHz respectively